Sunday, May 12, 2013

Having fun in the artsy side of Queen City! Noda

Hello followers,
So I discovered the most amazing part of Charlotte this last weekend with a friend. This area is called Noda. This is a part of town where people express their individual art work. Because I love art, I was amazed and excited to see so much cultural and personality put into what we call art. I think more and more people should develop a love or interest for art because if it was not for art we would not have creativity! I encourage my followers to visit the little town Noda I promise you will come out of there with a smile!

Learning to accept yourself

Hello followers,

As I go through little trials in life I will like to share them with the world just in case someone is going through the same thing. Lately I have been dealing with certain insecurities and I know most of us have insecurities such as weight, body figures, facial appearance and so on. I would like to say God made us and he made us with love. I know it is hard sometimes to accept they way you are but we have to think I we do not love ourselves who else will love us other than God? We should make it a goal to stop allowing the faulty voices of our past continue to allow us to sink into our insecurities. Remember you are beautiful or handsome and God loves us so he wants us to love ourselves as well! 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Have Faith and Stay Encourage!

Hello Followers and Viewers,

Welcome to my blog spot. Thank you for taking the time to follow me and supporting my page.
I love to stay positive and encourage others as I encourage myself in this journey of life. I know life brings disappointments and struggles but remember trials are to make you stronger. I know this is not a Do It Yourself blog but I thought that my first entry should be words of encouragement just incase you needed a slight energy boost. So if something brought you down for today just remember your set backs are your powerful come backs. Stay encourage followers and if you ever need words of encouragement do not hesitate to contact me.
